Surgery in general…

Anatomy can save you in the operating theatre. Make an effort. is a fantastic resource of short videos and podcasts spanning across many different surgical specialties. There are also extensive notes and episodes/mini-courses.

If you want to follow the surgical intern and try to help rather than slow them down check out some blogs like this one.

The Surgical Students Society of Melbourne have published download links to lecture notes on surgical topics on their website.

For guidelines on many surgical topics check out the list compiled by

Medical Reel has a General Surgery Channel for Youtube videos. Worth a look-see if you’re feeling worried about squirmishness before you hit the theatre…


If you’re on ortho clinics – you’ll need to get your head around some clinical signs elicited on physical examination. There are plenty more videos on YouTube. Also, if you’re thirsty for more ortho, you must check out Medical Reel’s video collection on the topic.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine also has some great ortho resources, videos, cases and teaching.

You’ll also need to know how to read the basic X-rays. Try these links for the common joint issue before any ortho surgical clinic.

Ear, Nose & Throat

Free online ENT surgery textbook, and there are plenty of links to ENT podcasts from @ENTExpertOpin.

Trauma has some great cases and moulages by Karim Brohi.


Geeky medics have a great succinct vascular examination video. And for another one thats sure to raise a chuckle…

There is also a kicking conversation on LinkedIn for vascular surgeons. You can check it out here (might need to have a LinkedIn account though).


To watch some videos on neurosurgery, check out Medical Reel’s collation of relevant videos.

Plastic & cosmetic surgery

Medical Reel also have a channel for videos for plastics.

Want to see more links to online resources for surgical specialties? Let us know what you find (or make your own!) and help make it easier for others.